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We are proud to announce the brand new VESC-Express data logging, GPS connectivity, and wireless connection develloper module incorporating the famous ESP32 chip with its great connectivety. This tiny device is a game changer for your permanent logging needs and high-speed wireless connections to your VESC devices. Log files can be quite heavy and Wi-Fi® or USB connections are the way forward to extract them.

The built-in Micro SD card compatible slot allows you to add a gigantic storage volume for your logging files. Therefore you can log every single ride without worrying too much about storage capacity.

Stored log files can be shown via VESC-Tool using the lightning-fast Wi-Fi® connection offered by the ESP32 chipset. Wi-Fi® speed connections to your VESC devices are also very beneficial for firmware updates. Load new firmware onto your motor controller within seconds, not minutes and retrieve big log files super fast.

The VESC Express is connected to your system via CAN-Bus and can therefore be operated in parallel to UART devices already connected to your motor controller. Another very beneficial feature is USB via CAN. The VESC Express dongle features a USB-CTM cable compatible connector. This connection can be routed to a USB type port situated somewhere on your vehicle. This way you will be able to generate an additional USB access point if needed.

Secure wireless access to devices like smart phones, computers and tablets: The VESC Express dongle allows you to secure the connection via a PIN code and encryption. 

The VESC Express dongle can act as a Wi-Fi® compatible access point with password protection or it can be configured to connect to an existing Wi-Fi® network (station mode), just like a wireless printer would do. In any case, you will be able to connect to your VESC devices with speeds outperforming USB connections.

This little device is also the perfect module for connections to a distant server, allowing you to configure your devices from the other side of the planet. The upcoming VESC-Tool will feature an internet bridge via the VESC TCP Hub. For further information please subscribe to Benjamin Vedders Youtube channel.


- Logging to microSD-Card (not included).
- FW-Updates in seconds
- CAN linked
- USB to ESC via CAN
- M8030 chipset GNSS module support
- Long range wireless connection
- Programmable name (that shows up in VESC Tool when scanning)
- Encryption and pin code for connections to phone app
- Two different Wi-Fi
® modes (station mode or access point)
- Set network name for Wi-Fi
- Generate your own password for Wi-Fi
® connections


Wi-Fi® is a trademark owned by the Wi-Fi Alliance®, USB-CTM is a registered trademark claimed by USB Implementers Forum, Inc.

We are proud to announce the brand new VESC-Express data logging, GPS connectivity, and wireless connection develloper module incorporating the famous ESP32 chip with its great connectivety. This tiny device is a game changer for your permanent logging needs and high-speed wireless connections to your VESC devices. Log files can be quite heavy and Wi-Fi® or USB connections are the way forward to extract them.

The built-in Micro SD card compatible slot allows you to add a gigantic storage volume for your logging files. Therefore you can log every single ride without worrying too much about storage capacity.

Stored log files can be shown via VESC-Tool using the lightning-fast Wi-Fi® connection offered by the ESP32 chipset. Wi-Fi® speed connections to your VESC devices are also very beneficial for firmware updates. Load new firmware onto your motor controller within seconds, not minutes and retrieve big log files super fast.

The VESC Express is connected to your system via CAN-Bus and can therefore be operated in parallel to UART devices already connected to your motor controller. Another very beneficial feature is USB via CAN. The VESC Express dongle features a USB-CTM cable compatible connector. This connection can be routed to a USB type port situated somewhere on your vehicle. This way you will be able to generate an additional USB access point if needed.

Secure wireless access to devices like smart phones, computers and tablets: The VESC Express dongle allows you to secure the connection via a PIN code and encryption. 

The VESC Express dongle can act as a Wi-Fi® compatible access point with password protection or it can be configured to connect to an existing Wi-Fi® network (station mode), just like a wireless printer would do. In any case, you will be able to connect to your VESC devices with speeds outperforming USB connections.

This little device is also the perfect module for connections to a distant server, allowing you to configure your devices from the other side of the planet. The upcoming VESC-Tool will feature an internet bridge via the VESC TCP Hub. For further information please subscribe to Benjamin Vedders Youtube channel.


- Logging to microSD-Card (not included).
- FW-Updates in seconds
- CAN linked
- USB to ESC via CAN
- M8030 chipset GNSS module support
- Long range wireless connection
- Programmable name (that shows up in VESC Tool when scanning)
- Encryption and pin code for connections to phone app
- Two different Wi-Fi
® modes (station mode or access point)
- Set network name for Wi-Fi
- Generate your own password for Wi-Fi
® connections


Wi-Fi® is a trademark owned by the Wi-Fi Alliance®, USB-CTM is a registered trademark claimed by USB Implementers Forum, Inc.

Weight: 4g
HCC: 8544200030
Would you like to purchase a GPS Dongle for the VESC Express?
Would you like to purchase a GPS Dongle for the VESC Express?

Please add a GPS Dongle & UART cable (+£20)
Please add a GPS Dongle & UART cable (+£20)

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The total number of this part in stock is 188
RRP £30 - each

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