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GPS Module for VESC EXPRESS BE-280

GPS Module for VESC EXPRESS  BE-280

232 level output, 9600, 1HZ output, standard NMEA-0183 protocol output.

Parameter Description
Chip characteristics

Chip U-blox U7
Frequency GPSL1, SBAS L1
Channel 56 search channels
Track -162dBm
Recapture -160dBm
Cold start -148dBm
Horizontal accuracy 2.0 m CEP 2D RMS SBAS assist (open space)
Speed accuracy 0.1m/s 95% (SA off)
Time accuracy 1us
Start Time
Cold start 29s
Warm start 25s
Hot Start 1s
Output Data
Baud rate 4800bps-921600bps,default 9600bps
Output level TTL or RS232, default RS-232 level
Output protocol Default NMEA-0183 protocol
Standard GNSS 1Hz-10Hz, default 1Hz
Work limit
Height 50,000m maximum
Speed 515m/s maximum
Gravity acceleration 4g maximum
Power consumption Voltage DC 3.6V-5.5V, typical: 5.0V
Current Normal 45mA@5.0V
Physical parameter
Size 28mm*28mm*8mm
Weight 11.5 grams
Line length 2m
Connector 1.25 pitch 6pin socket
Surroundings Operating temperature -40 °C ~ +85 °C
storage temperature -40°C ~ +85°C
Indicator light TX light Power-on blue light flashes to indicate that there is data output.
PPS light The light is not lit when it is not positioned. After 3D positioning, it starts to blink.

Weight: 4g
HCC: 8544200030
Quantity required:
The total number of this part in stock is 114
RRP £25

Excluding VAT

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