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TRAMPA BARRELS - 62mm Rubber Tubes replace Springs for lovely performance

TRAMPA BARRELS - 62mm Rubber Tubes replace Springs for lovely performance

TRAMPA BARRELS offer a new riding experience, when compared to riding with the traditional SPRING & DAMPA set ups.
With no push-back, or ‘rebound’ that is expected with springs, the barrel’s design cushions cornering to create a smoother ride.
Secured to Spring Trucks using 2x Barrel Retainers, available in a variety of colours & base thicknesses

2x Barrels required Per Truck

TRAMPA BARRELS offer a new riding experience, when compared to riding with the traditional SPRING & DAMPA set ups.
With no push-back, or ‘rebound’ that is expected with springs, the barrel’s design cushions cornering to create a smoother ride.
Secured to Spring Trucks using 2x Barrel Retainers, available in a variety of colours & base thicknesses

2x Barrels required Per Truck

Spring length - 63mm
Spring external diameter - 32mm
Spring internal diameter - 13.25mm
Spring thickness - 9mm

Weight: 56g
HCC: 7616100099
Quantity required:
The total number of this part in stock is 666
RRP £7.50 - each

Excluding VAT

Approx price :
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