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Kingpin Bushings 2.5mm Base - for Spring Trucks

Kingpin Bushings 2.5mm Base - for Spring Trucks Kingpin Bushings 2.5mm Base - for Spring Trucks

The Kingpin Bushings sit tightly in position & hold the Kingpin in a wear-free position between the moving metal parts of the hanger & Baseplate. The Bushings allow the movement (steering) without wearing out the metal parts. The Kingpin bushings are a small item & are subjected to a lot of forces & stress, through regular use they will ultimately need replacing. Depending on what surface you are riding on & the nature of your riding style will depend on how long these bushings will last you. So to make sure your trucks are always performing at their best inspect these Bushings regularly (preferably before riding) & in particular replace any that are showing signs of wear & from time to time replace them anyway...

You may be wondering why are there different sized bushings... well due to the high expectations in precision from the management of TRAMPA, it was upsetting to have to accept the fact that despite the best machinery being used in every aspect of the production of all TRAMPA parts, a measure of tolerance in accuracy would have to be accepted from the Heat Treating & Cooling process of the hanger as the metal naturally expands & contracts in this process & its difficult to keep the accuracy you started out with. For the Spring Truck assembly we worked to a tolerance of 0.5mm, but sadly this 0.5mm tolerance sometimes gave us a problem with the Kingpin not quite fitting perfectly between the hanger & the baseplate.... Simple matters such as too much paint would then make the 2.5mm bushing just a little bit too thick for the baseplate to easily slip over the hanger to fit just as we like & so to resolve this problem TRAMPA have made a selection of different sized plastic bushings to bridge this tiny gap so to be able to maintain an exact fit .

The difference between the four bushings is the thickness of the base. The different base sizes are 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm and 2.5mm. 2.5mm is the standard size we work to. As all trucks have 4 bushings this .5mm difference in each of the bushing bases allows us to bridge a maximum distance of 2mm (4x.05mm=2m) resolving any foreseeable problems.

As all the metal parts are hand constructed here in the UK, so it has been easy for us to control the construction of the Trucks to ensure each truck that leaves the building has the correct size bushings fitted & therefore we can ensure totally smooth steering system in every Truck like we always brag about :-)

The Kingpin Bushings sit tightly in position & hold the Kingpin in a wear-free position between the moving metal parts of the hanger & Baseplate. The Bushings allow the movement (steering) without wearing out the metal parts. The Kingpin bushings are a small item & are subjected to a lot of forces & stress, through regular use they will ultimately wear out & need replacing. Depending on what surface you are riding on & the nature of your riding style will depend on how long these bushings will last you.

To make sure your trucks are always performing at their best you should keep some spare on the shelf at home & inspect these tiny bushings regular basis (preferably before riding) & in particular replace any that are showing signs of wear & then even if they are not broken from time to time replace them anyway...

The difference between the four bushings is the thickness of the base. The different base sizes are 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm and 2.5mm. 2.5mm is the standard size we work to. As all trucks have 4 bushings this .5mm difference in each of the bushing bases allows us to bridge a maximum distance of 2mm (4x.05mm=2m) resolving any foreseeable problems.

Weight: 2g
HCC: 7318159585
Quantity required:
The total number of this part in stock is 21429
RRP £1 - each

Excluding VAT

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